Top Ten Programming Languages for 2018

Do you know what are the top ten programming languages to learn in 2018-2019?  Consequently, this article discuss the Top Ten Programming Languages you should learn to be ready for the future needs of IT Industry.

1.   Go: Language for the Cloud

Go, an open source Google language, first appearing in 2009 by three Google employees, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Also known as Golang, Go is a traditional language like C, but it's written expressly for the cloud, with concurrency and other features such garbage collection built in. Furthermore, large Go applications can be compiled in a few seconds on a single computer.

Projects written in Go include Docker and "We're hearing a lot about Go at the moment," Driver says. "There's a lot of experimentation going on with it — but it does have a steep learning curve."


Why learn Go?

While the combination of suitability for the cloud, Google backing, and, the high level of interest in Go, at the moment suggest that the language will very likely take off.  For the reason that tt is faster, easier to learn and does the same job that C++ or Java has been doing for us.



BBC, SoundCloud, Facebook and UK Government’s official website are some of the notable users of Go. Also, as the creators said, “Go is an attempt to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language."

2.   Dart

Next in the top ten programming languages series is Dart.  First of all, Google developed Dart an an open source language. It is a replacement for JavaScript. likewise, other JavaScript replacement languages such as CoffeeScript, as a result, it's not hard for JavaScript developers to learn. Furthermore, it's significant because it has been designed to make it easy to build large scale, multi-developer Web apps, something JavaScript itself isn't really suited to.

Most noteworthy, Dart applications can run in Chrome's built-in Dart VM or in other browsers through cross compilation to JavaScript.


Why learn Dart? 

Google's backing ensures that Dart has a good chance of succeeding.

 Dart – has been in shadows of Go, for the past year or so. Certainly, now that app development is gaining pace, people are realizing how useful Dart can be in implementing high performance architecture and performing modern app development.

JavaScript is fine for adding basic interactivity to Web pages, but when your Web applications swell to thousands of lines of code, its weaknesses quickly become apparent. Due to this Google created Dart, a language it hopes will become the new vernacular of Web programming.

From the the list of  top ten programming languages, Dart uses C-like syntax and keywords. One significant difference, however, is that while JavaScript is a prototype-based language, classes and interfaces, define objects in Dart. Dart also allows programmers to optionally declare variables with static types. The idea is that Dart should be as familiar, dynamic, and fluid as JavaScript, yet allow developers to write code that is faster, easier to maintain, and less susceptible to subtle bugs.

3. R

R is a powerful language for data analysis, data visualization, machine learning and statistics. Originally developed for statistical programming, it is now one of the most popular languages in data science.

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3.   Scala

Next in the list of top ten programming languages is Scala. It is short for "scalable language," and it's designed to be exactly that: Scala can be used for tiny programs or very large-scale applications. It's not particularly new, as it was introduced in 2003, but interest is on the rise. One key reason for that is that you can optimize code to work with concurrency. Another is simply that many developers like using it.

This functional and highly scalable programming languages has gradually attracted attention and companies such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Intel are using the language in their system now.


Why learn Scala?

A key advantage for companies considering Scala is that it interoperates with Java. It runs on JVMs (and Android), while integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Eclipse, IntelliJ or NetBeans, and frameworks such as Spring or Hibernate, all work with it. "The ability to adopt it on top of existing JVMs is really significant," says Jeffrey Hammond, a principal analyst at Forrester.

4.   Opa- Simple, Secure Web Apps

Web applications are going to get more complex and prevalent, and there's unique value in having the server-side/client-side distribution of code happen automatically.

Web development is too complicated. Even the simplest Web app requires countless lines of code in multiple languages: HTML and JavaScript on the client, Java or PHP on the server, SQL in the database, and so on.

Opa doesn't replace any of these languages individually. Rather, it seeks to eliminate them all at once, by proposing an entirely new paradigm for Web programming. In an Opa application, the client-side UI, server-side logic, and database I/O are all implemented in a single language, Opa.

Opa accomplishes this through a combination of client- and server-side frameworks. The Opa compiler decides whether a given routine should run on the client, server, or both, and it outputs code accordingly. For client-side routines, it translates Opa into the appropriate JavaScript code, including AJAX calls.


Why learn Opa?

Naturally, a system this integrated requires some back-end magic. Opa's runtime environment bundles its own Web server and database management system, which, stand-alone alternatives, can't replace with . That may be a small price to pay, however, for the ability to prototype sophisticated, data-driven Web applications in just a few dozen lines of code. Opa is open source and available now for 64-bit Linux and Mac OS X platforms, with further ports in the works.

5.   Ceylon: Modular Java Killer

In the top ten programming languages, Ceylon comes at Number 5. Based on Java, Ceylon has been designed as a Java killer. Developed as a language for writing large programs in teams by Red Hat, the first stable release became available at the end of 2013.

Modularity is a key feature. Code is organized into packages and modules, then compiled to module archives. The tooling supports a system of module repositories, with every module published in a central repository called Ceylon Herd.

Gavin King denies that Ceylon, the language he's developing at Red Hat, is meant to be a "Java killer." King is best known as the creator of the Hibernate object-relational mapping framework for Java. He likes Java, but he thinks it leaves lots of room for improvement.

Among King's gripes are Java's verbose syntax, its lack of first-class and higher-order functions, and its poor support for meta-programming. The absence of a declarative syntax for structured data definition, in particular, is  frustrating. That leaves Java "joined at the hip to XML." Ceylon aims to solve all these problems.

King and his team don't plan to reinvent the wheel completely. There will be no Ceylon virtual machine; the Ceylon compiler will output Java bytecode that runs on the JVM. But Ceylon will be more than just a compiler, too. A big goal of the project is to create a new Ceylon SDK to replace the Java SDK, which King says is bloated and clumsy, and it's never been "properly modernized."


Why learn Ceylon?

Ceylon programs, compile to and execute on Java and JavaScript virtual machines. For client and server systems, it's similar to Opa. And, it can easily interoperate with native code.

6.   F#

The F# -pronounced "F-sharp", a Microsoft language designed to be both functional and practical. It is a first-class language on the .Net Common Language Runtime. Therefore it can access all of the same libraries and features as other CLR languages, such as C# and Visual Basic.

F# code resembles OCaml somewhat, but it adds interesting syntax of its own. For example, to aid scientific computation, we can assign numeric data types in F# as units of measure. F# also offers constructs to aid asynchronous I/O, CPU parallelization, and off-loading processing to the GPU.

After a long gestation period at Microsoft Research, F# now ships with Visual Studio 2010. Better still, in an unusual move, Microsoft has made the F# compiler and core library available under the Apache open source license; you can start working with it for free and even use it on Mac and Linux systems (via the Mono runtime).

7.   Fantom

Should you develop your applications for Java or .Net? If you code in Fantom, you can take your pick and even switch platforms midstream. That's because Fantom is designed from the ground up for cross-platform portability. The Fantom project includes a set of APIs that abstract away the Java and .Net APIs. It helps in creating an additional portability layer.

There are plans to extend Fantom's portability even further. A Fantom-to-JavaScript compiler is already available.  Furthermore, future targets might include the LLVM compiler project, the Parrot VM, and Objective-C for iOS.

Fantom is open source under the Academic Free License 3.0. And, is available for Windows and Unix-like platforms (including Mac OS X).

8.   Swift

In the top ten programming languages, Swift is at number 8. Apple launched Swift at the WWDC in 2014. Therefore, you can be sure that it has something that can deliver success and results.  And, its exponential growth in just one year shows how capable and promising this language is. According to Apple, Swift brings the best of Python and Ruby together and adds modern programming fundamentals, to make it more effective and fun. If you’ve been using or were planning on learning Objective C to develop iOS apps, don’t bother learning it. Swift is the language you need to know moving forward. There will soon come a day when nobody will use Objective C to develop apps.

9.    Rust

The Rust Programming Language was launched in 2014 by Mozilla. It did not receive the immediate success like Hack and Go. In the last 6 months the number of Rust users in the world has escalated. An upgrade to C and C++, Rust is becoming more beloved by programmers every day.